Published: 10/04/2020
A cracking 1,600 property sales have taken place on Easter related addresses across England and Wales over the past 12 months. At just over £600 million, their total sales value is just over one third of the egg-stimated £1.7 billion the UK spent on Easter in 2019.85% of Easter related sales included 'Cross' in the address, just 2% with 'Easter'. Lamb was the most prevalent Easter related animal, included in more addresses than 'Chick', 'Rabbit', or 'Bunny'.
The word ‘chocolate’ appeared in just 29 addresses. It is estimated the average British shopper spends £328 on the sweet treat in a year, 60% of us considering it a vital part of the weekly shop.
Check the infographics library for separate slides of each image. Sources: Land Registry, Global Dataloft, Moneysavingheroes
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