Willmotts Covid Secure statement
‘Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives’
- We havecarried out a risk assessment of our business and our premises and have shared this assessment with the people who work for us
- Our office is open, but by appointment only. We will limit the number of people on our premises at any one time.
- Where people do visit our office then social distancing measures will be followed
- Where possible we have taken all reasonable steps to allow our team to work from home
- We have increased cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures both in our office and for teams who are out and about meeting clients
- We promote virtual and online methods of transactions including viewings and valuations and live open house viewings
- Where face to face contact is required we will ensure we ask 3 basic questions before any meeting takes place this includes 1) If anyone is showing symptoms of Covid-19 2) if they are self-isolating or anyone in their household is self-isolating or 3) if they are shielding anyone in their household.
- With face to face viewings we will not permit anymore than 2 viewers at anyone time and these will be from the same household
- Where a face to face meeting is to take place, we will issue written confirmation on exactly what will happen at the meeting to ensure all parties are fully aware of the process and what to expect
- We will not allow any face to face open house viewings
- We will wear PPE where requested, where we are dealing Covid vulnerable people, where social distancing cannot be maintained, or where anyone would prefer to wear them
- We will avoid any physical contact and regrettably decline any offer of refreshments in people’s homes or provide any refreshments in our offices to our team or any visitors.
Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash | Photo by Sean Horsburgh on Unsplash | Photo by Dylan Ferreira on Unsplash | Photo by Roman Grachev on Unsplash