Willmotts is believed to date its conception way back to 1856. The original business was not focused on property as it is today. However the move towards property came when managed by brothers CH & JW Willmott. The Willmott brothers were builders, who also made cast iron wc cisterns amongst other products. Eventually the Willmott brothers moved their focus into the property auction business... And the rest as they say, Is History...
Below is an example of the Willmotts early relationship in the Property Services Market.
"... ADAS ft. BULLEY, Builder Estate, Or PORTER, Ho. 11, Arundel Mansions. Mtown h. a J. WILLMOTT, auctioneers, HOWSWELLS ROAD. 63 65. 60LDHAWK ROAD..."
Published: Friday 19 July 1901 | Newspaper: West London Observer | County: London, England
"...SALE. THURSDAY EVENING NEXT. MESSRS. C. H. and J. W. WILLMOTT will submit Auction, at the “Buiih Hotel,” Shepherd’s Bush Green. W., on THURSDAY EVENING, June 27th, 1912, at 7.30 sharp. SHEPHERD’S BUSH. W.-54. Percy Road. Built in three flats. to produce ..."
Published: Friday 21 June 1912 | Newspaper: West London Observer | County: London, England
#willmotts #propertyexperts #estateagents #charteredsurveyors #willmotts1856 #guildproperty #tenants #landlords #lettings #landlordadvice #hammersmith #propertymarket #proudguildmember #lease #leasehold #freeholder #mortgage #FTB #firsttimebuyer | Photo by Frank Albrecht on Unsplash